FILTERING MATERIAL: Modern, synthetic two-layer filtering material which provides less air resistance (and therefore less energy consumption), high filtration efficiency levels (in the form of dust absorption), and a long filter life (involving low pressure drops). The filter complies with standards EN 779: 2012 and ISO 16890
REPLACING THE FILTER:The producers recommend that filters be changes at least once or twice a year, at the beginning and end of the heating season.
DISPOSAL: The used filter is disposed of alongside normal household waste.
Old and dirty filters lead to a pressure drop in the ventilation system and, as a result, the volume of fresh air inflow decreases, which worsens the indoor climate.
An old, dirty filter can contribute to the spread of mould in the ventilation system. (especially in humid climates), which can be a health hazard.
The new filter has the best air permeability levels and, as a result, savings can be made in electricity costs for the fan unit.